Questions & Answers

Who are the Primitive Baptists?

Primitive Baptists are a people who yearn for “the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

We hold to the plenary inspiration of Scripture, and strive to uphold its ancient truths. We revel in the message that God is sovereign in all things and is alone worthy of worship. We rejoice in the biblical theme that “salvation is of the Lord,” for in this simple truth He receives all glory and honor and praise.

Rooted in New Testament church tradition, our corporate worship is remarkably uncomplicated: congregational a cappella singing, prayer, and biblical preaching. Entire families worship together, creating a strong sense of family solidarity, and extending the pulpit ministry into individual family devotions. This beautiful simplicity is designed to keep Him the center of our focus, the object of our greatest desire: it’s all about Him.

Primitive Baptist church polity follows in the “free church” tradition of our forebears; because no denominational structure exists, an element of diversity develops between churches of the same identity. Each local assembly answers to none but the great Head of the church, the Lord Jesus.

Simple truth, simple worship, simple practice — all centered around a God who is anything but simple: He is infinitely loving, yet infinitely wrathful and sin-avenging; He is infinitely holy, just and glorious, yet intimately interested in His children. He is everything to us. We’d love to share Him with you!

Why is the word "Primitive" in your name?

In modern usage, Primitive carries some rather negative connotations. But when first applied to Baptists in the early 1800s, it simply meant original, and was used to identify those holding to the earliest Apostolic traditions. We continue to employ Primitive today to denote a passion for maintaining the simple, untarnished teachings and practices of the New Testament church, and for rediscovering the spirit and fervor of first century Christianity.

Any name by which we’re known, though, pales in comparison to the name we bear. We are, first and foremost, Christians: we fly the banner of our Great King, the Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is exalted high above all others.

What is the difference between Primitive Baptists and other Baptists?

Modern Baptists are a diverse people. Rather than risk an honest misrepresentation of any particular group’s beliefs, we’ll leave the comparison to you. But here’s something to look for: how do the Baptists you’re familiar with characterize God? Is their view consistent with Scripture? Is He completely sovereign in salvation, or must man meet Him halfway? We firmly believe that God is sovereign in all matters, and that salvation is entirely by His grace and mercy. The sinner doesn’t take the first step, make a decision, or perform some ritual. God alone saves His people. And, He does it all the way.

Are you active in evangelism and outreach ministries?

We believe that the church’s mission is to spread the gospel – the good news of the finished work of Jesus Christ which brings “life and immortality to light.” (2 Timothy 1:10). Individual evangelistic opportunities occur daily as believers model Christ’s love, share with others their joy in walking with Him, and stand ready always to answer (1 Peter 3:15) the question, “What makes you different?” Our outreach doesn’t stop there. As God opens international doors of opportunity, faithful servants answer the call. Today there are active evangelistic efforts in the Philippines, India and Kenya, as well as radio and online ministries extending even to remote corners of the world. At Camp Creek Church, we minister in nursing homes, visit and financially assist the sick, widows and orphans, collect and distribute food and clothing for the poor, and actively support the Lilburn Cooperative Ministry.

What is required for membership?

The joyful celebration of baptism, symbolic of our Lord’s death, burial and resurrection, marks entrance into and identity with the church community. All professing godly repentance and belief in Jesus Christ are warmly welcomed into the fellowship. (Acts 8:36-37)

Do you use musical instruments?

The widespread use of musical instruments in church worship is a fairly recent development, yet has become so nearly universally accepted that many are fascinated to learn that we worship without accompaniment. But our a cappella worship is not designed to arouse curiosity or fascination; it is instead a principled position. The New Testament — our pattern for church worship — contains several references to music in worship: Matthew 26:30 (paralleled in Mark 14:26); Acts 16:25; Romans 15:9; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12; James 5:13. None of these passages may be applied to musical instrumentation: they deal specifically with vocal exercise — lifting the voice in praise to God. The clear implication is that musical instrumentation in corporate worship is not God’s design.

The Old Testament, though, does describe musical instruments in the context of worship. Herein we discover a great biblical truth that complements New Testament teachings. In Old Testament worship, all acceptable sacrifices were dead sacrifices, pointing forward to the coming Christ, the perfect, spotless Lamb whose sacrificial death would atone for sin. Jesus Christ was the last of the dead sacrifices. But His resurrection was pivotal: He became the first of the living sacrifices. And God’s Word today exhorts us to make living sacrifices: “present your bodies a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1); “offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually” (Hebrews 13:15); “do good and communicate… for with such sacrifices God is well pleased” (Hebrews 13:16). These are living sacrifices: living bodies, living praise, living works.

Old Testament worship was all about death. The tabernacle was constructed of badger skins, wood, silver, gold and linen — all of it dead. The mortal priest wore dead garments. The sacrifice he brought was a dead sacrifice. And the musical instruments played were dead instruments. New Covenant worship is all about life. The Spirit of the Lord dwells in living tabernacles. The Great High Priest, clothed in righteousness, is alive evermore! The sacrifices that we offer are living sacrifices. And the musical instruments we play are living instruments. God’s simple design for music in worship — congregational a cappella singing — completely removes focus from musical performance, and centers our affections on the One to whom all worship is due.

Although, we do not use musical instruments during our worship services, you'll find that we frequently enjoy them during times of fellowship.

Do you offer Sunday School or Youth Groups?

The Bible commissions parents to shepherd their children. Biblical admonitions are clear: “teach [the Word] diligently to thy children” (Deuteronomy 6:7a); “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6a); “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b).Our worship is family-oriented: families worship together. And as they interact in a worship context, children witness the import that their parents ascribe worship, observe the degree of reverence that Mom and Dad have for God, and learn how the family structure is modeled in Scripture. Even young children develop self-discipline as they learn to sit quietly and respectfully during the service.

But spiritual training doesn’t stop when the last “Amen” is spoken at a worship service; it continues at home. Parents are to build their lives upon the Word such that it becomes a fundamental underpinning for every aspect of their lives. It is to be a common theme woven through everyday conversation, shared meals, evening walks, bedtime stories, and even discipline (Deuteronomy 6:7). Godly parents seek every opportunity to inculcate biblical attitudes and patterns into their children’s thought processes.Only under direct supervision are parents assured that their children’s spiritual training accords with Scripture. Solid, foundational biblical instruction occurs through moment-by-moment, day-by-day exercise.While spiritual training falls primarily to parents, we of course recognize the import of extra-family socialization. We encourage and foster regular fellowship with other believers, as well as the cultivation of godly mentoring and accountability relationships.

When do you have communion?

We typically have communion and feet washing on the Sunday of our annual spring and fall meetings. Please check our calendar.